Protect Against Phishing

Choose the No. 1 email security solution in preventing phishing attacks

Only Proofpoint offers a full anti-phishing security platform to identify and prevent phishing attacks in their tracks, while empowering your people to become a strong line of defense.

Protect Your People Against:

  • Phishing attacks
  • Malicious URLs
  • Advanced malware
  • Business email compromise
  • Malicious attachments
  • Zero-day threats
  • Cloud-app threats
Read our State of the Phish Report

Stop phishing with unmatched visibility and a fully integrated solution

Proofpoint provides you with unmatched visibility into the threat landscape. Combined with our leading behavior change and automated detection and remediation capabilities, phishing has met its match. It’s why Proofpoint is the No. 1 deployed email security solution for Fortune 100, Fortune 1000, and Global 2000 companies.

Stop Phishing with a fully integrated solution

In today’s changing threat landscape, you need a layered approach to stop threats targeting your people. With our fully integrated approach, you get advanced threat intelligence and technology. And with educated users, you can keep your organization safe with anti-phishing.

Learn more about how to stop phishing
  • Accurately detect phishing with the power of NexusAI and the Nexus Threat Graph
  • Effectively detect, catch and analyze billions of URLs every day with URL defense
  • Cut phishing risk by up to 90% with security awareness training
  • Remove risk without increasing overhead by automating incident response
  • Provide adaptive security control to risky users with email isolation

Increase visibility into threats

Proofpoint has over 100,000 customers with visibility across multiple vectors such as email, cloud, network and social. This gives us unique insight into the threat landscape, since we can correlate threats from various vectors to increase the effectiveness of our advanced email security.

We use this visibility to constantly monitor and block more threats from ever getting to your people in the first place.

Learn more about the Nexus Threat Graph

Increase visibility into user risk

Sending simulated phish to gauge user risk is great, but it’s only one anti-phishing approach. Being able to see which users are being targeted by real attacks offers additional insight. It’s not just who is vulnerable to an attack, it’s who is being targeted that you need to focus on.

Our unmatched visibility into these enables you to provide targeted training to the users who need it most. This helps you reduce risk faster and run a more targeted, time-efficient program

Learn more about identifying risk

Increase behavior change

We don’t view education as a check box. It’s a critical anti-phishing tool. You get hundreds of diverse, multinational and customizable training modules and awareness materials, so you can drive impactful behavior change. And at the same time, you can ensure compliance and minimize user downtime.

What’s more, we continue to invest and develop our content library, as demonstrated by our acquisition of The Defence Works and partnership with TeachPrivacy.

Learn more about changing behavior

Increase user emails reported

When you educate your users to spot and prevent phishing emails, they become part of your line of defense. And email warning tags allow them to report suspicious emails more easily by responding directly from the tag. They can receive nudges if the message is from an external sender, potentially an impostor, or impersonating a domain.

This makes it easier for your users to rethink engaging with potentially suspicious messages.

Increase user emails reported

Increase automated abuse mailbox remediation

Abuse mailboxes can drain time for already overburdened incident response teams. Our Closed-Loop Email Analysis and Response (CLEAR) solution automates the entire process, from users reporting emails to malicious messages being removed automatically. There are no YARA rules to configure, and no sandbox or threat intelligence to purchase. Everything’s included with CLEAR.

Learn more about automated remediation

Phishing FAQs

How to report phishing emails?

If you think you’re the target of a phishing campaign, the first step is to report it to the right people. On a corporate network, it’s best to report it to IT staff so that they can review the message to determine if it’s a targeted campaign. For individuals, you can report fraud and phishing to the FTC.

What is trap phishing?

Phishing has many forms, but one effective way to trick people into falling for fraud is to pretend to be a sender from a legitimate organization. A phishing trap lures users to a malicious website using familiar business references and using the design from a site that has the same logo, designs, and interface as a bank, ecommerce, or other popular brand that a targeted user would recognize. This is also known as a Watering Hole attack.

What is barrel phishing?

To avoid email filters, an attacker might send an initial benign-looking email to establish trust first, and then send a second email with a link or request for sensitive information. Barrel phishing takes more effort from the attacker, but the effect can be more damaging as targeted users feel that they can trust the email sender.

How to spot a phishing email?

The main goal of phishing is to steal credentials (credential phishing), sensitive information, or trick individuals into sending money. Always be wary of messages that ask for sensitive information or provide a link where you immediately need to authenticate.

Ready to give Proofpoint a try?

Let us walk you through our Targeted Attack Protection and answer any questions you have about email security.