Webinar: Evidence That Changing User Behaviors Reduces Cybersecurity Risks

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Wombat_Blog_Webinar_May2017.jpgThere should be no question in your mind that your end users’ behaviors are feeding into to your organization’s level of cybersecurity risk. But perhaps you’ve questioned whether security awareness training can truly move the dial on end-user risk reduction.

Question no more.

If you are seeking evidence-based analysis to support initiation or expansion of a security awareness and training program, we invite you to register for the May 10 webinar, Hard Evidence That Changing Behavior Reduces Risk. Derek Brink (Vice President and Research Fellow at Aberdeen Group and Adjunct Faculty at Harvard University and Brandeis University) and Amy Baker (Wombat’s Vice President of Marketing) are the featured panelists.

Brink will walk attendees through real-world research and analysis that can be applied within their organizations to:

  • Identify the likelihood and business impact related to end-user risk factors
  • Quantify the annualized risk of phishing attacks (as a function of the industry, a function of the number of users, and a function of the volume of data)
  • Calculate the value of security awareness training (using a Monte Carlo analysis model)

Join us for our joint webinar with the Aberdeen Group: 
Hard Evidence That Changing Behavior Reduces Risk

Brink and Baker will also take a deep dive into the risk scenarios of organizations, before and after using Wombat's solutions for security awareness and training. They will also discuss how different organizations have created effective cybersecurity awareness and training programs using Wombat's Security Education Platform.

As we are fond of saying, there is a difference between aware that a problem exists and having access to the knowledge needed to fix the problem. Register now to join us on May 10 (or to gain access to the replay) and get access to tools you can use to both prove the need for security awareness training and identify the best methods for end-user risk management.