Nexus Threat Graph

Multi-Vector Community Threat Intelligence

Get unmatched protection with threat intelligence that combines trillions of real-time data points across multiple threat vectors around the world, advanced AI and machine learning, and a global research team that keeps you ahead of today’s biggest cyber threats.

Our unmatched insight includes:

Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Emails Analyzed
daily emails analyzed
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Urls Analyzed
daily URLs analyzed
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Attachments Analyzed
daily attachments analyzed
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Cloud Accounts Monitored
cloud accounts monitored
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Cloud App Cataloged
cloud application cataloged
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph World Ids Monitored
worldwide IDS sensors
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Malware Discovered
daily unique malware samples discovered
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Domains Monitored
domains monitored daily
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Social Accounts Monitored
social media accounts monitored
Proofpoint Nexus Threat Graph Threat Actors Tracked
threat actors tracked

Proofpoint Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence DNA

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have been in the DNA of Proofpoint from the beginning. In the early days, we used machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide you with comprehensive detection that guarded against spam. But as the landscape has changed, and threats have become increasingly sophisticated, so has our machine learning engines. Attackers are using many different threat types to target your people. These include phishing, ransomware, supply chain attacks and business email compromise. Proofpoint continues to build on our machine learning and artificial intelligence heritage by investing and innovating around the latest attacker trends. This gives you the best efficacy against the ever-changing threat landscape.

Multilayered Machine Learning, Sandboxing Detection, and Human Analysis

As threats evolve, you need a solution that can identify and adapt to new threat trends at scale. There are many different techniques that attackers use today and that’s why you need to learn as much as you can about every single threat to improve the overall effectiveness of the solution.

Every potential threat we see is run through a multilayered detection stack: NexusAI machine learning engines, sandboxing engines, and human analysis.

  • NexusAI Machine Learning: The NexusAI engine analyzes many different attributes of the threats we see to defend against and give customers visibility into malware-free threats such as email fraud and credential phishing.
  • Advanced Sandboxing Detection: Proofpoint runs multiple sandboxes and analyses to detect anything with malware, malicious code or even sandbox evasion techniques.
  • Human Analysis: Our global team of threat researchers also analyze threats seen across our customer base to better learn the behaviors of these threats. We also track over 100+ attackers to understand their motives and tactics. And we use this information to better protect your organization and your people.  

Multi-vector Community Threat Intelligence

The data from our NexusAI Machine Learning, advanced sandboxing detection and human analysis is then correlated, passed to the Nexus Threat Graph and used across the Proofpoint Aegis threat protection platform to better protect you and help you stay ahead of threats. No matter the size of your organization, you get the advantage of real-time protection against the latest threats. When you join the Proofpoint customer community, you get the benefits of this network of shared threat intelligence.

Ready to give Proofpoint a try?

See how our unique people-centric approach to cybersecurity can help protect your organization.