Digital Risk Protection: Social Media Protection

Protect your social media accounts with automated, real-time protection against hacks, phishing, malicious content and compliance risks


Proofpoint Digital Risk Protection provides you with real-time security for your branded social media accounts across all major social networks. It finds your brand’s social presence and detects account takeovers and locks down compromised accounts. It also removes malicious content, prevents phishing scams and reduces compliance costs.

Features and Benefits

Discover Your Brand’s Social Presence

Digital Risk Protection: Social Media Protection continuously scans the social media sphere to find accounts affiliated with your brand. You’ll know right away when there’s a new account attempting to impersonate your brand for unauthorized or fraudulent use. With Proofpoint, you can:

  • Automate discovery of your brand’s accounts
  • Search accounts by image to find brand misuse
  • Persistently scan for fraudulent and brand protest accounts
  • Receive alerts for risky accounts that require takedown or legal review
  • Send automated alerts to other stakeholders (such as legal or HR) when risky accounts are detected

Automated Content Remediation

Digital Risk Protection automatically identifies high-risk content and can remove it in seconds. With our out-of-the-box policy templates, you can manage social media security, compliance and acceptable use. With a few clicks, you can set policies for a wide range of industries and regulations; no rule-writing or keyword lists needed. Policies can even activate at set times to stop your sensitive information, such as product announcements, from leaking to the public.

We provide 110 classifiers that leverage our patent-pending Deep Social Linguistic Analysis (DSLA) technology for unrivaled accuracy. Digital Risk Protection can even analyze text within pictures.

With Digital Risk Protection: Social Media Protection you get:

  • Three clicks to automated, enterprise-grade security, compliance, and acceptable use policy enforcement
  • Enforcement options that include log, notify, hide and delete
  • Content remediation at unlimited scale—it works 24/7/365 without the cost of a team of moderators
  • Automatic blocking of persistent bad actors that attack your brand

Protection from Account Hacks

Digital Risk Protection detects and remediates account hacks in real time. It monitors your social media accounts for changes in profile or publishing patterns that indicate someone has hijacked the account. When such an event occurs, it immediately sends an alert and removes the unsanctioned content. You also have the option to automatically lock down the ac count in the event of a hack.

With Digital Risk Protection: Social Media Protection, you can:

  • Designate approved account configurations, including authorized owners, images, credentials, third-party apps
  • Monitor accounts for suspicious behaviors such as a spike in publishing volume
  • Receive an alert when approved configurations change or suspicious behaviors are detected
  • Require approval for social media profile changes
  • Set automatic lockdown policies or trigger profile lockdowns with the push of a button

Angler Phishing and Malware Protection

Digital Risk Protection secures your social accounts from cyber-attacks like malware and phishing links that criminals post to your feeds to lure your customers.

Our security solution monitors your social customer care interactions around the clock and detects angler phishing attempts on your customers. We notify you immediately when someone contacts your customers from a fake customer care account, so you can initiate your response plan.

Protection mail contre les ransomwares - Proofpoint Email Security

"Social media is an important connection point to our fans around the world. Our goal is to deliver an engaging and positive fan experience, and Proofpoint helps deliver on that objective."

— Jeremy Thum, Senior Director, Digital Experience for the Golden State Warriors

Hashtag and Brand Term Monitoring

You’ve invested in your brand and your brand-related hashtags, but once they’ve grown in popularity, anyone can use them across social media. Sometimes, this can be complaints about an experience and other times, it can pose a security risk.

Digital Risk Protection helps you monitor hashtags and brand-related items for:

  • Threats to brand reputation
  • Social media security threats (phishing, malware, spam and personal threats)

Managed Services

Optional Managed Services enable you to combine the power of Digital Risk Protection with our Proofpoint analysts. This equips your organization with a team of analysts who continuously identify and remediate fraudulent social media accounts. Your organization receives end-to-end social media fraud protection that doesn’t make heavy demands on your limited resources.

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