

Cybersecurity research, insights and resources for the global CISO community.

CISO Reports

White Paper

Cybersecurity: The 2023 Board Perspective Report

As cyber attacks become increasingly sophisticated and impact organizations of all sizes, the board-CISO relationship has never been more important.
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White Paper

2024년 Voice of the CISO

사이버 보안 폭풍 헤쳐 나가기. CISO는 최근 글로벌 팬데믹, 원격 근무 확대, 직원 이직 증가 등 여러 난관에 직면해 있습니다. 하이브리드 근무가 표준이 되고 클라우드 기술 의존도가 높아지면서 공격 표면이 그 어느 때보다 넓어졌습니다.

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White Paper

Cyber Insecurity in Healthcare: Ponemon Report

In this study sponsored by Proofpoint, Ponemon surveyed 641 people responsible for security strategies – including setting IT cybersecurity priorities, managing budgets and selecting vendors and contractors.
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