Insider Risk Program Effectiveness: From Reactive to Proactive

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Recorded live on September 26, 2024

No organization is immune from one of today’s biggest cybersecurity risks: insiders. That is, users who are in a position of trust, whether it be employees, contractors, or business partners, and have access to an organization’s most valuable data, systems, and applications. Given this, it is no surprise that managing insider risk continues to be a leading priority for CISOs. Yet, the goal – and challenge - for many organizations is shifting from a reactive to proactive approach.

Watch this 30-minute webinar to hear our experts discuss Insider Risk Program effectiveness and learn:

  • Why insider risk is a leading cybersecurity challenge for CISOs
  • How to assess the effectiveness of your Insider Risk Program
  • A typical Insider Risk escalation path
  • Key takeaways for shifting from a reactive to proactive Insider Risk Program

This is part two of a two-part series, Elevate Your Program Effectiveness: Data Protection, Insider Risk and Beyond.