Top Use Cases for Modern Data Loss Prevention

Available On-Demand

With the adoption of modern workplace practices such as remote work, cloud computing, BYOD and Generative AI, the data security landscape has changed significantly in recent years. Do you have the right visibility into content and behavior, along with the necessary controls to defend your most sensitive data?

Join us for a two-part webinar and demo series, Top Use Cases for Modern Data Loss Prevention, to learn about the most common methods of data exfiltration in the cloud and on endpoints. We’ll show you how to reduce data exposure in the cloud, and how to safely enable BYOD and GenAI policies.

Demo Series-Part 1

Top Data Loss Use Cases in the Cloud

Cloud platforms and services are key enablers of today’s workforce. But for all their benefits, cloud applications make information protection challenging. A well-intentioned user can put sensitive data at risk by oversharing. A quick message to a colleague on Microsoft Teams can expose intellectual property sought by malicious third parties. Even accessing corporate data from a personal, unmanaged device can lead to data loss.

Join our 30-minute webinar and live demo, the first in a two-part series, to learn how to detect and mitigate:

  • Broad sharing of sensitive files in Office 365
  • Sending sensitive data in Teams messages
  • Controlling access to sensitive data on an unmanaged device

Demo Series-Part 2

Top Data Loss Use Cases on Endpoints

Insider threats to data have become more prevalent with the rise of remote work, cloud storage and GenAI. A traditional, data-centric approach to data loss prevention (DLP) no longer provides sufficient protection. Instead, a people-centric approach to DLP is required to protect intellectual property and other sensitive data from careless and malicious insiders and ensure data privacy. 

Join our 30-minute webinar and live demo, the second in a two-part series, to learn how to enforce DLP policies for:

  • Acceptable use of GenAI
  • Data exfiltration to personal storage
  • Elevating visibility to high-risk users dynamically