Social Media Content Security with Social Patrol


You invest a lot in social media engagement, but malicious content constantly undermines your efforts. How can you protect your brand and community? Hiring a team to manually moderate content just isn’t scalable. With Proofpoint Social Media Protection, you can save time and money by automating content remediation with just a few clicks.

Protect Against Global Spam

On average, 1 in 200 social media messages contain spam and 15% of those contain URLs linked to malware. Proofpoint can automatically delete spam posts and block spammers. We even maintain a list of known spammers based on analysis of over X thousands of accounts and over 700 million pieces of social content.

The Golden State Warriors use Social Patrol for social media content remediation to moderate malicious content. Their program protects the brand and their fans from hackers, spammers, and deviants. 

Get Content Remediation in Minutes

Choose from 8 predefined policy templates, or create your own using over 125 content categories. Then apply your preferences to specific social accounts. It’s that simple. Social Patrol will take action to log, notify or delete based on your policies — helping you minimize or eliminate the need for manual remediation.

Remediation Guided by Data Science

Automated content moderation needs to be accurate. That’s why Social Patrol uses patent-pending Deep Social Linguistic Analysis (DSLA) to analyze social media content. DSLA goes beyond basic keywords to understand the natural language of social posts. We also scan URLs, images, and text within images to ensure your page is free of risky content.


Social Patrol Security Categories

Lightning Fast

Our API integrations with leading social networks mean we’re scanning content in real time. The entire scanning and remediation process happens in seconds, 24/7. Social Patrol delivers high performance at scale, allowing your brand to grow your social presence securely.


Social Patrol

Proofpoint Social Patrol automates content and security remediation so you can apply your scarce resources to other social media marketing activities.