Lateral movement refers to the steps and techniques cybercriminals use to navigate through a network after gaining initial access. Moving laterally, while avoiding detection, allows attackers to control additional systems, escalate privileges and locate valuable data and applications within an organization’s IT infrastructure.

The primary purpose of lateral movement is to get to the “crown jewels” of the organization often with the goal of data exfiltration, where sensitive information such as intellectual property, financial records, or personal data is stolen for malicious purposes like extortion or sale on the dark web. In other cases attackers may use lateral movement tactics for sabotage (e.g., deploying ransomware) or espionage.

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Why Is Lateral Movement a Concern?

Lateral movement is a major cybersecurity issue for defenders, because it allows attackers to breach access to additional resources and sensitive data, through just the entry into the first infected machine. In turn, lateral movement presents many concerns:

  • Invisibility: Cybercriminals using lateral movement typically try to blend in with normal network traffic patterns and avoid detection by traditional security tools.
  • Persistence: Once inside a network attackers employing lateral movement can establish multiple footholds or points of entry, making it difficult for cybersecurity teams to eradicate them completely. Finding and eliminating one point of entry does not remove the threat actor from the network.
  • Ease of propagation: With many organizations adopting interconnected or flat networks and integrated cloud services, it’s easier than ever for threat actors to exploit these connections via lateral movement.
  • Damaging consequences: Successful execution of lateral movements can sabotage the confidentiality, integrity and availability of key IT systems and data.

Protecting against lateral movement requires understanding how cyber attackers work, along with implementing robust cybersecurity measures, such as continuous monitoring and advanced threat detection capabilities.

How Do Lateral Movement Attacks Work?

Lateral movement attacks are made up of a multi-stage process that allows cyber criminals, after gaining the initial unauthorized access, to maintain persistence and move laterally within an organization’s network. Understanding the common steps of lateral movement can help organizations and cybersecurity professionals prevent and detect these threats more effectively.

Initial Compromise

The first stage in a lateral movement attack is the initial compromise. Cyber criminals may exploit employee devices or accounts via phishing emails, social engineering, initial access brokers (IABs) or software application vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access. Once inside the network, attackers establish a foothold by installing malware, such as Trojans or using other tools designed for reconnaissance and further exploitation.


In this stage attackers gather information about their target environment by collecting public information about their target, scanning networks to map them and look for open ports and identifying vulnerable devices and services running on them. This intelligence helps criminals plan their next steps while avoiding detection by security systems.

Credential Harvesting

To facilitate lateral movement across the network infrastructure, threat actors need valid user credentials (usernames/passwords) with appropriate privileges. These are obtained through various means, like installing keylogging malware during the initial compromise phase or exploiting weak organizational password policies by using various password attacks such as brute force, dictionary and credential stuffing.

Password Spraying Attack

A popular technique used in credential harvesting is called a password spraying attack. This tactic involves attackers using commonly used passwords in multiple login attempts against numerous accounts simultaneously until they find one that works without triggering account lockouts due to excessive failed logins.

Exploitation of Vulnerabilities

Once the attackers have valid credentials they often exploit known software applications or operating systems vulnerabilities to escalate their privileges. This allows them to access sensitive data or execute commands on other devices within the network, effectively spreading their influence laterally across multiple systems.

Persistence and Data Exfiltration

The final stages of a lateral movement attack involves establishing persistence by creating backdoors for future access and exfiltrating valuable data from compromised systems. Threat actors may introduce extra malicious software, like ransomware or Remote Access Trojans (RATs), to gain remote control of infiltrated machines and keep a lasting foothold in the organization’s IT network.

Lateral Movement Techniques

In lateral movement attacks, cyber criminals use various techniques to move through a network and gain unauthorized access to valuable data. Understanding these methods help IT personnel and cybersecurity professionals better protect their organization’s sensitive information and systems. Here are some common lateral movement techniques:

  1. Pass-the-Hash (PtH): In this technique attackers steal cryptographically hashed user credentials from one system and use them to authenticate on other systems within the same network domain. This allows them to use password-based authentication mechanisms without needing the actual plaintext passwords.
  2. Remote Execution: Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in remote services or applications to execute malicious code on targeted systems. Examples of common tools for carrying out remote execution include PowerShell, PsExec and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
  3. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: Cyber criminals intercept communication between two parties by positioning themselves in the middle of the conversation flow. By using MitM attacks they eavesdrop on exchanged data without either party knowing they have been compromised. This data can then be used to take over a computing session or for other downstream purposes.
  4. Lateral Phishing: After compromising an email account within an organization, attackers send phishing emails from that account to other employees or partners with requests for sensitive information or to click on malicious links. This technique leverages the trust between colleagues and increases the likelihood of a successful attack by having the email appear to come from a trusted colleague.
  5. Living off the Land (LotL): Attackers use existing built-in tools, scripts and applications in an organization’s environment to carry out their attacks. By using legitimate tools for malicious purposes, they can blend in with normal network activity and evade detection by many security solutions.

These lateral movement techniques are just a few examples of how attackers navigate through networks undetected. To effectively defend against these threats, organizations must implement robust cybersecurity measures that focus on detecting and preventing these sorts of unauthorized access. This includes internal scanning to identify potential vulnerabilities and thus stop lateral movement before it happens.

Types of Cyber Attacks That Use Lateral Movement

Lateral movement is a common tactic used by cyber criminals in various types of attacks. By understanding different attack scenarios, IT teams and cybersecurity professionals can prepare better defenses against these threats. Below are some common types of cyber attacks that use lateral movement:

  1. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): APTs are long-term, targeted attacks where sophisticated adversaries gain unauthorized access to a network and remain undetected for an extended period. These attackers often employ lateral movement techniques to move through the network, escalate privileges and exfiltrate sensitive data. Learn more about Advanced Persistent Threats.
  2. Ransomware Attacks: Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on infected systems and leads to demands for payment from victims in exchange for decryption keys. Attackers often use lateral movement techniques to spread ransomware across multiple devices within an organization’s network, increasing its impact and thus potential payout.
  3. Data Breaches: Data breaches occur when unauthorized individuals access and steal sensitive information stored within an organization’s systems or databases. Attackers often leverage lateral movement tactics to locate valuable data repositories before exfiltrating this information.
  4. Credential Theft Attacks: Credential theft involves stealing usernames and passwords from users or organizations with malicious intent, such as gaining unauthorized access or selling them on the dark web to other cyber criminals. Cybercriminals often use lateral movement to harvest credentials from multiple systems, escalating their privileges and control over the targeted network.
  5. Insider Threats: Insider threats can originate from employees or contractors who have legitimate access to an organization’s systems but misuse this access for malicious purposes. These individuals may employ lateral movement techniques to cover their tracks or gain further unauthorized privileges within the network.

In each attack scenario detecting and mitigating lateral movement is crucial in preventing extensive damage and minimizing potential losses.

How to Detect Lateral Movement

Detecting lateral movement in a timely manner is crucial for minimizing the damage caused by cyber attacks. If not detected quickly enough attackers can access sensitive data and critical systems, causing significant harm to your organization. It’s critical to be aware of different techniques and security controls that can assist in effectively recognizing and stopping lateral movement.

Network Monitoring

Network level monitoring is vital in detecting unusual activity within your network infrastructure. By continuously analyzing network traffic patterns and comparing them against established baselines, anomalies indicative of lateral movement can be identified early on. Tools like IDSs and SIEMs are commonly used for monitoring networks to detect suspicious activity.

User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

User and entity behavior analytics involves tracking user activities across an organization’s IT environment to identify abnormal behaviors that may indicate malicious intent. UEBA tools use machine learning algorithms to establish normal usage patterns for each user account and then flag any deviations from these patterns as potential threats.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Endpoint detection and response solutions provide real-time visibility into endpoint activities throughout an organization’s network. These tools monitor system processes, file modifications, registry changes, etc., enabling security teams to identify suspicious actions indicative of lateral movement attempts.

Tips for Effective Lateral Movement Detection:

  • Implement a multi-layered security approach that combines network monitoring, user behavior analytics, identity threat detection and response, privileged access management and endpoint security detection to maximize visibility into potential threats.
  • Conduct periodic security assessments and penetration tests/Red Teaming to identify IT infrastructure vulnerabilities that could be exploited for lateral movement.

Inadequate lateral movement preparation and detection can lead to severe consequences, like catastrophic data breaches, financial losses, reputational damage and regulatory penalties. By employing the tools and strategies discussed above, organizations can significantly enhance their ability to detect malicious activities before they escalate into full-blown attacks.

How to Prevent Lateral Movement

To effectively prevent lateral movement attacks, organizations must adopt a multi-layered approach that focuses on securing their networks and endpoints. This involves implementing various security measures, monitoring suspicious activity and educating employees about potential threats. Here are some critical steps you can take to minimize the risk of lateral movement:

  1. Network Segmentation: Divide your network into smaller segments or zones with restricted access controls. This limits an attacker’s ability to move laterally within your environment.
  2. Access Control: Establish strict access control policies based on the principle of least privilege (POLP). Ensure that users only have access to resources necessary for their job roles. Also using PAMs to more strongly manage privileged accounts in particular.
  3. Patch Management: Regularly update all software applications and operating systems with the latest patches to close known vulnerabilities exploited by attackers during lateral movement attempts.
  4. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Require MFA for remote access and privileged accounts to reduce unauthorized logins resulting from stolen credentials or brute force attacks.
  5. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): Implement EDR solutions to continuously monitor endpoints for signs of compromise, detect lateral movement attempts and respond to threats in real time.
  6. User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA): Leverage UEBA tools that analyze user behavior patterns to identify anomalies indicative of lateral movement attacks. UEBA tools can help detect suspicious activities within your network.
  7. Cybersecurity Awareness Training: Educate employees with security awareness training about the risks associated with phishing emails, social engineering tactics and other common attack vectors used by cyber criminals during lateral movement campaigns.

These proactive measures significantly reduce the likelihood of a successful lateral movement attack on your organization’s network. Combining strong security policies with advanced monitoring technologies and employee education initiatives will better equip you to defend against this growing threat landscape.

By taking proactive steps to prevent lateral movement, such as implementing proper network segmentation and limiting user privileges, organizations can greatly reduce the risk of a successful attack. With the help of advanced security solutions from Proofpoint, IT teams can further protect their networks from malicious actors attempting lateral movement.

How Proofpoint Can Help

In the fight against lateral movement attacks, Proofpoint offers a comprehensive suite of tools and solutions designed to detect, prevent and respond to these threats. By leveraging advanced technology and cybersecurity expertise, Proofpoint helps organizations protect their sensitive data from cyber criminals who seek unauthorized access.

Targeted Attack Protection (TAP)

Proofpoint’s Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) is an innovative solution that detects malicious activities at various stages of the attack lifecycle. TAP uses machine learning algorithms and threat intelligence to identify suspicious behavior patterns associated with lateral movement techniques, such as credential theft or remote code execution.

Email Protection Solutions

Email remains one of the most common vectors for initial infiltration by cyber criminals seeking network lateral movement opportunities. Proofpoint’s Email Protection Solutions provide robust protection against phishing attempts, malware delivery via email attachments or links and other tactics to gain entry into your organization’s infrastructure.

Response with Incident Response Services

In the event of a lateral movement attack, a quick response is crucial to minimize damage and contain the threat. Proofpoint’s Incident Response Services provide expert assistance in investigating, containing and remediating security incidents involving lateral movement techniques. These services focus on threat investigation, containment strategies and remediation assistance.

Leveraging Proofpoint’s comprehensive suite of tools and services can significantly enhance an organization’s ability to detect, prevent and respond effectively to lateral movement attacks. To learn more about how Proofpoint can help safeguard your organization against lateral movement attacks, contact Proofpoint today.

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