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Accelerate Your DLP Maturity with the NIST-Inspired Information Protection Framework from Proofpoint

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“DLP maturity” can be elusive for businesses. And technology – while critical to modernising information protection strategies – is just one part of an effective information protection programme. The sure path to a mature programme that prevents data loss includes a blend of people, process, and technology.

Our recently introduced NIST-inspired framework uses our human-centric approach to information protection combined with more than 20 years of experience designing and operating tailored DLP programmes for some of the world’s most security-conscious businesses.

This proprietary, end-to-end framework provides a proven methodology that can help you to analyse user behaviour and content across all channels and apply best practices and intelligence to modernise data protection. The result is a faster path to DLP maturity for your business.

Why a human-centric approach to data protection matters

Legacy DLP is an outdated approach to protecting data. It can’t keep pace with today’s business needs, modern workforce, and sophisticated attackers and insiders. Unfortunately, many companies have learned this the hard way.

They have spent endless hours over countless years and millions of dollars trying to make legacy DLP work – but to no avail. By the time a legacy DLP programme is fully implemented, the result is often the same. It is misaligned to the data that it needs to protect.

Many companies have become disillusioned with DLP. And while they can “tick the box” for compliance, their data protection programme doesn’t add value. A human-centric approach to data protection recognises the risk that is inherent to any business: people. After all, data does not lose itself. People lose it.

While legacy DLP solutions are siloed and fail to deliver behavioural insights, a human-centric and omnichannel approach provides critical visibility into data and behaviour. This allows you to realise benefits in months instead of years, so you can save time and money.

An NIST-inspired framework that addresses DLP complexity

Proofpoint and our certified partners can deploy and manage end-to-end, human-centric information protection programmes that are governed by the Proofpoint NIST-inspired information protection framework.

Overview of the Proofpoint Information Protection program framework.

Overview of the Proofpoint Information Protection programme framework.

This approach uses singular expertise and efficiencies that most businesses can’t replicate – even if they have highly skilled internal resources. We have outlined the key aspects of this methodology below.

Planning, visibility, and rule-setting

  • Assessment of current DLP programme maturity
  • Benchmarking against industry peers
  • Guided programme design and implementation recommendations
  • Behavioural and content visibility to inform rule-setting

Prevention and adaptive response

  • Research into emerging exfiltration and threat tactics with impact assessments
  • Tuning of rules and policies for optimising detection and data protection
  • An AI-enabled SOC capability that is designed to optimise event analysis and investigation, incident escalation and response

Metrics and governance reporting

  • Daily system checks and monitoring
  • Executive reporting and documentation of outcomes

Accelerate your DLP maturity with a human-centric approach

Human behaviour puts data at risk. For most companies, the rise of the perimeter-less workplace has dramatically increased the complexity of delivering a modern, adaptive, risk-based DLP programme.

Our unique framework can provide your business with a blueprint to take your DLP programme to the next level. When you work with Proofpoint and our partners, you can:

  • Identify critical maturity gaps
  • Benchmark against industry peers
  • Determine a strategy and timeline to prioritise and address impacts based on the analysis and recommendations from Proofpoint

Our framework and human-centric approach to information protection can help you evolve your DLP programme. Your team will be supported by experts who know Proofpoint technology better than anyone. Plus, they can help you accelerate your time to value.

Learn more

Contact us to learn more about our information protection framework. Find out how we can help you design and execute a modern, mature programme that seamlessly blends people, process, and technology.

Will you be at a Proofpoint Protect event in September or October? If so, we invite you to stop by our Innovation Hub. You can connect with one of our information protection experts to discuss how Proofpoint can help you evolve and mature your company’s DLP strategy.