Traditional rule-based systems aren’t enough to secure your data.
Organisations face substantial security risks from misdirected emails and
, leading to increased labour costs for investigations, regulatory reporting, and compliance communications. As a key conduit for sensitive data, email can expose businesses to regulatory fines, reputational damage, and customer loss. To protect your data in email, you need a comprehensive and adaptive strategy that extends beyond traditional rules-based email solutions.Adaptive Email DLP uses behavioural-AI to prevent accidental and intentional data loss over email, reducing risk and remediation cost – you can’t stop any other way.
Key benefits of our Prevent Email Misdelivery product
Keep data where it belongs
Proofpoint helps prevent accidental and malicious email data loss with an adaptive human-centric approach. Stop misdirected email before they’re sent, keep corporate data from being sent to unauthorised email accounts, and keep communications flowing.

Empower users, ease your workflow
Contextual warning banners let end users correct mistakes before they become data breaches. Security analysts deal with fewer incidents, get insights that help them investigate incidents faster and reduce data loss risk automatically—all with no initial or ongoing admin configuration required.

Improve your security culture
In-the-moment nudges warn users when risky behaviour is identified so they can make informed decisions, reinforcing policies and preventing mistakes. See improvement over time with visual dashboard showing user and company performance.

Key features of Adaptive Email DLP
Nexus Relationship Graph (RG)
Proofpoint uses cutting-edge and the industry’s broadest email datasets to analyse working relationships and understand the difference between misdirected email, wrong-file attachments, data exfiltration attempts and regular business. Data-informed insights let security teams work with users to improve data-handling hygiene.

High Efficacy & Minimal User Disruption
Proofpoint Adaptive Email DLP uses the industry-proven Nexus Relationship Graph (RG) that leverages superior datasets, including over 12 months of email data, to ensure accurate predictions with high efficacy. This advanced approach minimises end-user disruption, allowing seamless integration into daily workflows without compromising on security.
Fast time to value
In as little as 48 hours, Adaptive Email DLP automatically prevents data loss with minimal or ongoing configuration required. Contextual warnings empower users to correct mistakes before they happen, reducing risk and post-breach remediation work. Email insights help explain user actions, speeding up investigations.
The latest developments in adaptive email DLP

2024 Data Loss Landscape Report
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Redefining Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Adaptive Email DLP
Protect more than your people: Defend Data
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