The Defence Works Is Now

Proofpoint Security Awareness Training

Proofpoint and The Defence Works, an innovator in security awareness education, have joined forces to empower your users and help them build sustainable security habits.

Leader in Security Awareness Training

More than ever, attackers target people. And while most organisations have a security awareness programme of some sort, fewer than 60% of working adults know what phishing is.

Proofpoint Security Awareness Training (previously The Defence Works) provides you with a holistic approach to your user education. It can help you:

  • Assess user vulnerability, using phishing simulation that mimics real-world attacks
  • Change user behaviour by providing your users with a more personalised learning experience and reinforcing positive reporting behaviour
  • Evaluate the impact of your programme with behavioural metrics and benchmarking data

Using our rich threat intelligence, Proofpoint can help you create your security awareness programme. And our ACE framework allows you to focus your programme on risky users, drive behaviour change, and show metrics and programme success to your CISOs.

Ready to Give Proofpoint a Try?

Let us walk you through how Proofpoint Security Awareness Training (previously The Defence Works) can help you empower your users and build a strong security culture.