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5 Steps to Building A People-Centric Insider Threat Program

Most organizations understand the challenge of external cyber-attacks. But many of today’s biggest threats come from within. According to a recent study from Institute, insider threats of all types have risen 45% in just two years, racking up a in average costs over the same time period.  Whether it’s careless users, disgruntled employees or compromised accounts - the cost of insider threats is on the rise.

Addressing this type of threat requires a completely different approach to cybersecurity. After all, traditional security solutions are not designed to stop legitimate users accessing systems within the enterprise – or manage the significant risks.

To address this challenge head-on, organizations need to develop an insider threat program, which can provide visibility into insider-led data breaches and streamline response and investigation, while balancing the protection of corporate assets with employee privacy.

Join this webinar to learn the top five steps for building and maintaining a people-centric insider threat program, with best practices and real-life examples that you can use, including:

  • What kinds of Insider Threats cost organizations the most?
  • How to determine if your organization is doing enough to address insider threats
  • Five elements to building an effective insider threat program
  • Designing an insider threat management strategy as a combination of people, processes and technology – in that order!