Using AI to Stop Email Misdelivery and
Prevent Sensitive Data Loss


Recorded on Thursday 13th June 2024

Have you ever sent an email to the wrong person? What about sending an email with the wrong attachment? What visibility do you have into these potential costly mistakes at your organisation? 

This lack of visibility into the risk of sensitive data loss from misdirected emails is a common problem for many organisations, resulting in negative impacts on their business, such as significant productivity loss when unreported incidents are detected. 

Join us for a 45-minute webinar to learn about: 

  • High profile examples of sensitive data loss from misdirected emails
  • The business and legal consequences of leaving misdirected emails unaddressed
  • The power of artificial intelligence (AI) to stop sensitive data loss
  • Stopping sensitive data loss from misdirected emails in just days

We’ll also live demo how an Adaptive Email DLP solution stops misdirected emails for good.

Carl Leonard, Cybersecurity Strategist, EMEA.
Andrew Goodman, Sr. Manager, Product Marketing .