Business Email Compromise and Email Account Compromise

Cybersecurity eSummit: Protect Your No. 1 Threat Vector: BEC & EAC

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Join top industry leaders for an online summit of in-depth talks and interactive discussions on the latest in cybersecurity trends for Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Email Account Compromise (EAC) and how you can better manage this billion-dollar problem in your organization. Register for our sessions today.

BEC EAC Webinar

Here’s a quick overview of what to expect.

Our keynote session, “Cybercriminal Minds—Evolving BEC Attack Tactics During Shelter-in-Place,” is hosted by speakers Ryan Kalember, EVP of Cybersecurity Strategy, and Sherrod DeGrippo, Sr. Director of Threat Research & Detection.

You’ll learn about how COVID-19 not only impacts our lives but also affects cyber threat landscape, which continues to be dominated by coronavirus-related activities. The Proofpoint Threat Research team has observed more and more BEC and EAC scams leveraging coronavirus lures. In addition, attackers have come up with more sophisticated tactics to trick their targets into making fraudulent wire transfer.

Join our speakers learn more about:

  • The current state of COVID-themed BEC/EAC scams
  • New BEC tactics targeting organization’s supply chain
  • The differences between BEC and other tactics, such as malware and cred-phish
  • Why threat actors choose a certain attack tactic and the psychology behind criminal minds

Client Case Study: Defending Against Email Fraud

BEC and EAC scams have cost the victimized businesses over $26 billion since 2016. Gartner even predicts that these new forms of email threats will continue to double each year to over $5 billion through 2023. Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet for BEC and EAC. These human -activated threats require an end-to-end solution that addresses all attack tactics.

Join us for this customer interview to hear about:

  • Their experiences with the changing landscapes of BEC and EAC
  • The challenges they face
  • How they tackle this $26 billion problem
  • How they measure success

BEC Live Demo: Detect and Block BEC Scams with Proofpoint

This live demo reveals how Proofpoint:

  • Identifies common BEC attack tactics
  • Detects and blocks impostor emails
  • Provides actionable visibility and threat insights
  • Protects your brand and prevents fraudulent use of your domain
  • Trains your end users into your last line of defense

Register now to claim your spot at the eSummit.