Defend Your Data against Cloud and Insider Threats 

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Defend Your Data Webinar Series

Parts 1, 2 and 3 are available on-demand

Without a doubt, protecting people and those who access and use data is important. However, we also need to take steps to defend our sensitive data. Following data movement is not enough. We need to understand the context, behaviors and threats associated with data before we can become successful defenders of data.  

It’s one of the oldest maxims in cybersecurity that you can’t protect what you can’t see. As organizations continue to shift to a hybrid working model, it’s imperative to rethink the conventional approach to data protection. Data doesn’t just leave your organization on its own. A compromised account, malicious insider or negligent user is almost always involved.

Join our three-part series of 30-minute webinars entitled, Defend Your Data.

Webinar Series - Part 1

Defend Your Data Against Cloud Threats

Stolen credentials accounted for 40% of all data breaches in 2021, according to 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report. Attackers pose as your organization’s users and access sensitive data in SaaS and IaaS environments. Legacy data loss prevention (DLP) tools can’t distinguish between legitimate users and attackers who access cloud applications and steal your data. Therefore, it’s imperative to employ an adaptive, modern DLP solution that focuses on people, and not just data. 

Join our 30-minute webinar, the first in a three-part series on defending your data, to learn: 

  • How visibility across email and cloud environments can improve threat detection 

  • How correlating sensitive data manipulation with user behavior can limit threats 

  • Tips to tune your DLP program to defend against compromised users and data loss 

  • Controls you can put in place today to protect data in the cloud 

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Webinar Series - Part 2

Defend Your Data against Insider Threats: Stop Valuable Data from Leaving with Departing Employees 

Employee turnover has been – and will continue to be – a major driver of insider threats. Yet, the underlying dynamics have shifted significantly during the past year. While late 2021 ushered in a record number of voluntary job resignations, 2022 ended with a surge in layoffs, particularly in the technology sector. With the high volume of employee churn, it’s imperative that organizations prevent the risk of data loss. How can your organization protect its most valuable data from walking out the door with departing employees?   

Join our 30-minute webinar, the second in a three-part series on defending your data, to learn: 

  • How employee turnover increases the risk of insider threats 

  • Lessons learned from real-life examples of data loss due to departing employees 

  • How to gain granular visibility into employee behavior before they leave the organization 

  • Best practices and tools to protect data and accelerate insider investigations 

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Webinar Series - Part 3

Defend Your Data with AI-powered Classification for Efficient Enterprise DLP 

The amount of data in your organization is exploding and stored everywhere. Your crown jewels are scattered across data repositories, making it difficult to analyze, manage, label and protect. Legacy data loss prevention (DLP) solutions break in the cloud. Only a limited amount of data can be handled efficiently through traditional, manual approaches. Today’s forward-thinking organizations are deploying new artificial intelligence (AI) data classification tools, to augment and speed the delivery of their DLP strategy. 

Join our 30-minute webinar, the third in a three-part series on defending your data, to learn: 

  • How to quickly and accurately discover and classify data in shared repositories with AI classifiers 

  • How to augment DLP with actionable insights and recommendations 

  • How to auto-generate DLP dictionaries and continuously improve DLP rules across all enterprise channels 

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