Cybersecurity Resolutions: Make 2018 the Year of the End User

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Wombat-Vlog-Cybersecurity-Resolutions-for-2018.jpgAs we close out 2017, it's a good time to think ahead to next year and the processes and procedures that could be improved in 2018 to better manage end-user risk and improve overall security postures.

In this vlog entry, we suggest reexamining the way pieces of technology are used throughout your organization and considering whether users of all kinds — including you — are thinking about devices in the right ways and obtaining the appropriate levels of training to drive efficiency and security. We explain how relatively simple cybersecurity resolutions could make a big difference in 2018.


Thank you for being a reader (and viewer) of our Wombat Security Blog this year. We wish you a happy, prosperous, and security incident-free 2018! (Hey, we can all dream, right?)