Think Beyond the Phish: Register for Our August 25 Webinar

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Wombat_Blog_BeyondthePhishWebinar_August2016.jpgIf phishing is currently the focus of your security awareness training program, that’s great. Phishing is a major threat that only continues to gain ground, particularly with the proliferation of ransomware, business email compromise (BEC) attacks, and other email-borne risks.

But phishing is only one of the ways cybercriminals can gain a foothold within your organization.

A well-rounded, comprehensive security awareness and training program should go beyond the phish to assess and educate end users about other credible and dangerous cybersecurity threats. Join us for a webinar tomorrow, Thursday, August 25, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EDT, to discuss topics like social engineering, password security, mobile/BYOD devices, and other important issues that can put your company at risk if left unaddressed.

Amy Baker, Wombat’s Vice President of Marketing and Product Management, will preview results from our forthcoming 2016 Beyond the Phish Report and address several key topics, including the following:

  • Strategies and tips for identifying and preventing cybersecurity threats other than phishing
  • Information on current trends and attacks facing end users
  • End-user readiness and performance when encountering non-phishing security threats

This eye-opening webinar will help you better understand the need for broader end-user risk management and help you redefine the scope of your cybersecurity education efforts. Our years of experience in this space and our access to real-world training data uniquely position us to deliver insights about these important initiatives. We hope you will join us.