What to Expect from E-discovery in 2015

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Back from the frozen tundra of LegalTech New York, which again produced a very interesting few days of discussion with customers and partners - and very informative content. Most notably, The Year of Data Breach was everywhere - from the Day 1 keynote address, to the announcement of the resignation of the Sony co-CEO on Day 2, to the breaking news of the breach of 80M records from Anthem at the end of Day 3. Clearly, a topic that will not go away anytime soon.

So, how will this ever present cybersecurity threat - and other key market forces - continue to shape eDiscovery 2015? This is the topic we will take up on our webinar on February 18 at 11AM PST/2 PM EST with special guest Jonathan Rudolph, former Deputy District Attorney for the State of New Jersey and advisor and consultant to organizations in reconciling legal team and IT views of the world.

As a preview, we will discuss 5 key drivers that will impact discovery in 2015, including:

1. Data Breach: according to several reports (e.g. Breach Index Report), over 1 billion records were breached in 2014. So, what specifically should organizations be asking of their eDiscovery providers to ensure that data privacy and security is being sufficiently protected;

2. New FRCP Rules: with new rules that govern litigation establishing emphasis on proportionality and uniform sanctions for failing to preserve ESI, interesting implications will arise regarding practices and technologies will best satisfy the new "reasonable" preservation standard;

3. Unstoppable Data Growth: IDC estimates that information is doubling every 2 years, yet organizations continue to be reluctant to get rid of the junk. Will advances in Big Data and predictive analytics alone be sufficient to keep eDiscovery volumes (and expense) from continuing to rise?

4. Dark Data Gone Wild: ESI continues to appear in new locations as firms embrace social media, IM, cloud, and other locations with varying levels of management oversight. How will eDiscovery be impacted by sensitive data increasingly living in unmanaged locations?

5. Unrelenting Regulatory Complexity: 2014 saw average SEC sanctions increase to $5.5M, HIPAA corrective actions increased to 3,477, while unique data privacy requirements continue to be implemented around the globe (most recently proposed in NYC). How can organizations ensure they are properly managing information in markets where they have data and/or employees to avoid regulatory scrutiny?

We will conclude with a summary of key next steps firms can take to address these market forces, and a short overview of how Proofpoint can help in managing the cost and complexity of e-discovery. We look forward to the discussion.

To learn more, join us for the live webinar: What to expect from eDiscovery in 2015.