Insider Threat Management

The Top 4 Reasons You Need User Activity Monitoring Now

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Proofpoint ITM is a lightweight endpoint solution that is focused on identifying and eliminating insider threats. By continuously monitoring user behaviour, Proofpoint ITM alerts IT and security teams to activities that put your organisation at risk. Here are the Top 4 Reasons you need User Activity Monitoring now!

Real-Time Security Awareness

  • With optional notification to users that their session is being recorded, instances of unsanctioned and reckless activity decrease dramatically.
  •  IT users can be prevented from logging in to a server without entering a valid ticket number (from an external ticketing system), to ensure that every login is connected with a specific purpose and every login is valid.

Faster Investigations

  •  Comprehensive User Activity Monitoring ensures that you know exactly who is doing what with your sensitive data, systems and applications.
  •  Real-time alerting based on all user activity, even within applications, provides an early warning system for human error, malicious actions and hijacked accounts.
  •  Recording streamlines IT troubleshooting and incident response, along with bullet-proof visual forensics.
  •  With full video capture and playback of any policy violation, Proofpoint ITM reduces end-to-end investigation time from hours to minutes.

Precise Visibility

  • User Activity Monitoring makes it easy to detect leaks of sensitive and regulated information, because every privileged user action is monitored and analysed in real-time.
  • Efficiently see and prove exactly how vendors spent their time working on company infrastructure, eliminating “who did what?” doubts, confirming SLA agreements and easing vendor billing verification.
  • User Activity Monitoring provides unparalleled configuration change management for IT users. Textual and visual documentation of all change made to servers, devices and software configurations.


  •  Visual forensics eliminate the extensive labor required to maintain and update endless controls and correlations required by log management or SIEM systems – User Activity Monitoring directly demonstrates what every user did without the need for complex log interpretation and correlation.
  •  Compliance audits can be completed in a fraction of the time – with all on-screen action recorded and logged in searchable text, answers to any audit question are authoritative and instantly available.
  • A built-in privileged identify management solution identifies individual users accessing shared accounts, eliminating the need for time-consuming and expensive password vaults.