Financial Services and Insurance

Eliminate Threats, Build Trust and Foster Growth for your Organisation


Banking, payments, and capital markets

Comprehensive protection from the sell side, to the buy side, to exchange and even wealth management.

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A platform that delivers reassurance for firms offering life, annuity, property and casualty.

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Financial services intermediaries

Advanced protection from advanced threats for ratings, regulators, market data and more.

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Powered by Intelligence

The financial services industry is under attack

1 60 %
of all data breaches caused by human error
# 1 1
most attacked industry
1 90 %
of targeted attacks start with email
1 60 %
of all data breaches caused by human error

Securing the modern financial services system

Digitisation in the financial services and insurance industries means convenience for institutions and customers alike. Unfortunately, digitisation opens up new avenues of attack for cyber criminals. Now, people, not technologies, are the most frequent attack vector. And companies worldwide are paying the price.

People-centric security for financial services with Proofpoint

Prevent threats before they cost you

Protect against ransomware, general phishing, credential-phishing attacks, email and other forms of digital fraud.

  • Combat email and cloud threats.
  • Secure Microsoft 365 and other cloud applications.
  • Prevent fraudulent and compromised accounts from exploiting your people.
  • Stop ransomware at the point of entry: email.
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Protect profits with proper training

Your people are targeted through email, the web, social media and cloud apps. An education on how to spot and prevent threats is essential.

  • Assess end-user risk with simulated attacks and knowledge assessments.
  • Train your employees to identify, resist and report attacks.
  • Gain real-time insight on who is being attacked, how, and ways to prevent it.
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Financial records and customer data: loss prevention is critical

Data loss is catastrophic for maintaining trust. Our platform spans email, cloud apps and on-premises file repositories. All with reduced complexity and cost.

  • Take a zero-trust approach to remote access for your people.
  • Secure critical financial, trade, client and intellectual property information.
  • Identify, investigate and respond to data exfiltration and data loss caused by insider threats.
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Capture and monitor data effortlessly to ensure compliance

Stay compliant with federal, state, industry and international financial services and insurance regulations for storage, supervision and retrieval.

  • Adopt a modern, cloud-native archiving solution with Enterprise Archive.
  • Empower your users and legal teams to conduct their own retrieval and
  • Ensure compliance on employee social media channels with Content Patrol.
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Ready to get started?

Start a Free Trial
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Here’s how your free trial works:

  • Meet with our cybersecurity experts to assess your environment and identify your threat risk exposure
  • Within 24 hours and minimal configuration, we'll deploy our solutions for 30 days
  • Experience our technology in action!
  • Receive report outlining your security vulnerabilities to help you take immediate action against cybersecurity attacks

Fill out this form to request a meeting with our cybersecurity experts.

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