Higher Education

A Higher Level of Security for Higher Education


Stop attackers and their primary tools

Stop malicious messages and email from fraudulent and compromised accounts.

Prevent advanced attacks at the inbox

Defend against all types of email-based threats with advanced email security.

Superior protection for Office 365

Secure Office 365 the right way with enhanced tools for your team to deploy.

Learning has evolved. So has security

Open networks, email, cloud apps—these are the tools of modern education. Faculty, researchers, industry partners and students now generate, exchange  and access a wealth of sensitive information through these channels on a daily basis. Educational institutions struggle to address the speed, volume and complexity of today’s evolving cyber threats,  while also being under intense pressure to protect privacy under FERPA, HIPAA and other rules.

People-centric security for higher education with Proofpoint

Stop threats before they reach students and staff

Protect against ransomware, general phishing, credential-phishing attacks, email and other forms of digital fraud.

  • Combat email and cloud threats.
  • Secure Microsoft 365 and other cloud applications.
  • Stop fraudulent and compromised accounts from exploiting your people.
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Training: An education in threats

Whether your people are targeted through email, the web, social media or cloud apps train them how to spot cyber threats.

  • Assess end user risk with simulated attacks and knowledge assessments.
  • Train your employees to identify, resist and report attacks.
  • Gain real-time insight on who is being attacked, how, and ways to prevent it.
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Defend your data

Our flexible platform stops data loss from email, cloud apps, and on-premises file repositories—without the complexity and cost of legacy tools.

  • Transparently encrypt and quarantine your data.
  • Easily manage sensitive content sent through email.
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Ready to get started?

Start a Free Trial
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Here’s how your free trial works:

  • Meet with our cybersecurity experts to assess your environment and identify your threat risk exposure
  • Within 24 hours and minimal configuration, we'll deploy our solutions for 30 days
  • Experience our technology in action!
  • Receive report outlining your security vulnerabilities to help you take immediate action against cybersecurity attacks

Fill out this form to request a meeting with our cybersecurity experts.

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