Reducing E-discovery Time and Cost with RelativityOne Export

Reducing E-discovery Time and Cost with RelativityOne Export

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Proofpoint Enterprise Archive and its optional e-discovery analytics with advanced e-discovery machine learning and analytics capabilities, let customers expedite early case assessment to help with proactive litigation readiness. The update to the e-discovery functionality of Proofpoint Enterprise Archive provides the ability to export a readily acceptable format to the RelativityOne e-discovery platform. This lets customers use the complimentary e-discovery functionality for early case assessment. The Relativity export format is a faster, cheaper method for the Relativity review platform. This eliminates the need for processing, reducing time and the inherent expense.

Proofpoint Enterprise Archive is a critical piece for all our customers, not just those who use Relativity for document review. Proofpoint Enterprise Collaboration Archiving  consolidates and normalises many data types (e.g., email, social media, instant messaging, etc.) for downstream e-discovery tools like RelativityOne. Having so many data types available at your fingertips also provides immediate, comprehensive understanding of all relevant aspects of a matter. And search results in seconds means it’s genuinely early case assessment.

E-discovery expenditure tends to be roughly 8% collection of data, 19% processing of data, and 73% review (RAND report). Beyond the benefits of an immutable system of record, the Proofpoint Enterprise Archive e-discovery functionality can often eliminate the collections and processing costs. It can also significantly reduce the review costs by isolating only relevant data, very quickly. We achieve this through our industry-leading Proofpoint E-Discovery Analytics that display data in Timeline, Keyword, and Network views. Proofpoint Technology Assisted Review (TAR) can also further decrease the time spent on matters.

We are committed to reducing cost and time our customers spend on litigation and investigations. We work closely with our customers to understand how we can improve ways to manage their caseloads. Our product enhancements always ensure a fast and effective ways to start the e-discovery process on a straightforward, easy-to-use cloud platform.

For seven years running, Gartner, Inc. has positioned Proofpoint in the Leaders Quadrant for Enterprise Information Archiving.

To learn more, talk to our experts or contact us, here.