Proofpoint Healthcare 2020 Report

Threat Report

New 2020 Healthcare Threat Landscape Report

Managing risk in the time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic represents the largest public health crisis in a century. The healthcare industry has quickly adapted to what is both a medical and business challenge. But unfortunately, the bad guys have also adapted.

Threat actors have integrated COVID-19 themes into their phishing and social engineering campaigns. To help you better understand the evolving healthcare threat landscape, we analysed a year of data, focusing on the first half of 2020. Proofpoint Threat Research studied thousands of campaign threats across millions of messages. In this report, we’ve outlined our findings, providing data, real-world examples and insights to shed light on threat that target the healthcare industry.

Here are just a few highlights:

  • Proofpoint identified 35 threat actors, most of them cyber crime rings, in campaigns against healthcare
  • In March 2020, healthcare organisations received about 16% more malicious messages associated with campaigns, with a pivot to COVID-19 themes
  • Ransomware campaigns comprised only 1% of the observed threats, but continue to be problematic for the healthcare industry.

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