Insider Threat Management

Here’s What Proofpoint is Up to at Black Hat USA 2019

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It’s hard to believe, but Black Hat USA 2019 is less than a month away! We don’t know about you, but we’re gearing up for a week of provocative presentations, good conversation with new and old connections, and the annual Level Up after party. Here’s a look at what we’ll be up to at Black Hat. We hope to see you there!

Reppin’ Booth #1000

Our team will be hanging out at Booth #1000 (pretty easy to remember, right?) and we are pumped to unveil our booth theme. We can’t spill all the beans ahead of time, but here’s a little preview to whet your appetite!

If you drop by our booth while you’re on the Black Hat floor, we’ll be offering demos of the newly released features in Proofpoint ITM 7.8, including:

  • Email monitoring for data exfiltration
  • Activity replay for selective recording
  • Alert tuning for improved detection
  • Enhanced Mac support
  • Insider Threat Library updates
  • & lots more!

We’ll also be handing out swag including socks, comic books, and more goodies!

Head of Security Chris Bush Speaking on Insider Threats

Our own head of security, Chris Bush, will be presenting on the topic of, “The Insider’s Motive: Defending Against the 7 Most Common Insider Threats.”

Insiders have something outside threat actors never will: trust. They’ve surpassed the challenge of external security defenses and can navigate sensitive internal resources with breakneck speed. According to the 2018 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR), 20% of cybersecurity incidents were caused by people inside the organisation.

Unfortunately, many teams aren’t equipped to act quickly to detect and stop these incidents before it’s too late. Here’s the good news: if you know the top motives of insider threats, you can determine the right countermeasures. Proofpoint’s Head of Security, Chris Bush, will lead attendees through the top strategies to stop insider threats and a live demonstration of how Proofpoint can help.

You will learn:

  • The top 7 most common insider threat focus areas, from accidental leaks to espionage
  • What motivates these insider threat actors
  • Real-world examples of these threats in action
  • Countermeasures to defend against each specific type of threat
  • How Proofpoint helps security teams manage insider threats

Here are all the details:
Location: Mandalay Bay Ballroom K
Date: Wednesday, August 7
Times: 1:50pm-2:40 p.m. AND 3:00-3:50 p.m.
Format: 50-Minute Sponsored Workshop
Tracks: Endpoint Security, Security Operations & Incident Response

Learn more at the official schedule page. It promises to be an informative talk, and we hope you can make it!

The Level Up After Party: Retro Games, Cocktails & Conversation!

Once again, we’re teaming up with Zero Fox and other top security organisations to sponsor the Level Up Party at Black Hat USA 2019. We’re not sure what we should be most excited about—competitive retro gaming, a seriously amazing raffle prize (check out that Raspberri Pi loaded with classic games), creative cocktails, or the interesting conversations sure to be had. Here are the full details:

Where: The Skyfall Lounge, 45th Floor of the Delano Hotel, Las Vegas.
When: Wednesday, August 7, 2019, starting at 9 p.m.

Sign up here to get on the list, and we look forward to seeing you!

Hope to See You There

We hope we’ll get a chance to chat security with you at Black Hat 2019. If you see one of our team members, don’t be shy! And we’ll be tweeting along, too, so check out @Proofpoint with hashtag #BHUSA!