Connect with Confidence: Three Steps to Stopping Advanced Email Threats

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Every day, cyber criminals send malicious emails targeting your organisation in an attempt to steal data, funds, and other confidential information. According to Verizon, for 95 percent of breaches, email is the means of communication to the target, followed by in-person deception (2 percent) and phone calls (2 percent).

Today's email security tools are struggling to adapt to the scale and sophistication of the latest email fraud techniques like advanced malware and business email compromise (BEC). As a result, organisations often lack the visibility needed to block and respond to attacks before they do harm.

In the infographic below, we explore three key ways you can fight today's advanced email threats. For more tips on how you can build an email security strategy that adapts to threats as they evolve, click here.

Three ways to fight advanced email threats infographic