Threat Intelligence Services
Make better security decisions faster. Connect with threat analysts, understand threats with intelligence specific to your situation, and gain 24/7 visibility into the latest threat discoveries.
Get actionable insight from our expert threat analysts
- Contextual Threat Intelligence: Understand the threats and actors targeting your organisation and your users. Learn how your organisation compares to industry peers. Discover how to mitigate risks with analyses that can be used to inform and educate all levels of your information security team and leadership.
- Advanced Insight: Use our daily and weekly analyses to give your team visibility into the latest threat and attacker developments with real-time researcher write-ups and a curated feed of IOCs for email threats around the globe.
- Tailored Threat Analysis: Proofpoint analysts combine unique visibility with an understanding of your environment to provide insights tailored to your organisation’s information security needs.
Making better security decisions with Proofpoint Threat Information Services
Proofpoint offers a range of services to meet your needs. This includes everything from actionable intelligence reports and custom inquiries to helping you with implementing defensive mitigations. This empowers your team—and your decision-makers—to act by delivering insight about threats and attackers that standard dashboard reports or SIEM feeds can't provide. You get unique visibility into the front of the attack chain with our industry-leading expertise in email-based threats, which is the primary vector in more than 90% of information security threats.
Top Use Cases
Fast Answers
Quick response to headline-prompted questions, such as: Are we protected/targeted and by whom, why and how?
Impact: Be better positioned to defend against threats—and look great to your board.
Staff Augmentation
Access to a global network of threat researchers and email, network, mobile and social data for preparedness and response.
Impact: Enables your team to reduce risk, save time and leverage valuable current resources.
Directed Research
In-depth analysis of threat actors, targeted users in organisation, malware, and more.
Impact: Get customised insight for better security posture—at no incremental cost.
Industry Comparables
Performance on security metrics relative to peers, including click rate, malware targeted, data by size and industry and geography.
Impact: Understand the relative strength and exposure of your organisation.
Executive Reporting
Get detailed, easy-to-read weekly reports and monthly briefings. These include charts on the threat landscape, your peers, your targeted users, and the top threats—along with Proofpoint performance.
Impact: Gain context for your security decisions and spending without taking your team away from their day-to-day responsibilities.