Cyber Resilience in the age of Targeted Attacks


Cybersecurity Resilience in the age Of Targeted Attacks

As an experienced cybersecurity expert or CISO, you know that today’s cyber-attacks target people not infrastructure. Individuals within your company are singled out based not just on their role but also on the information they access and use. 

Such determined security threats appear in your users’ email inboxes every day. So how can you protect your business with the right cybersecurity resilience strategy? And should the worst happen, how do you rapidly recover following an attack?

Join Loïc Guézo, a celebrated expert in cybersecurity and resilience, now Senior Director at Proofpoint as he shares his expertise on pain points faced by CISOs and how to overcome them. 

In this cyber resilience webinar, you will:

  • Discover the latest trends from the threat landscape and how to build the cybersecurity resilience and defences your business needs
  • Learn best practice for achieving cyber resilience in 2020
  • Understand how to create a cybersecurity strategy given limited resources and an aging technology stack, to meet compliance requirements and budgetary constraints while defending the people at the heart of your organisation