Breaking the Middle of the Attack Chain:

The Rise of Identity Threat Detection and Response Systems

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Recorded live on December 6, 2023

Organisations frequently encounter substantial gaps in security between preventive Identity Access Management (IAM) controls and general-purpose detection and response (D&R) systems. These gaps become apparent post initial compromise, in the middle of the attack chain, where adept attackers showcase their abilities to move laterally and escalate privileges en route to the organisation's critical assets. As a solution, identity threat detection and response (ITDR) systems have gained prominence to address and mitigate these vulnerabilities in identity security.

Join us for this 45-minute webinar. You will learn:

  • How and why attackers have shifted their tactics to focus on vulnerable identities versus vulnerable systems
  • Where gaps exist between IAM controls, D&R systems and attacker tools
  • What ITDR systems do and how they complement existing security controls